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In 2005 God commissioned Higher Ground International Ministries, Inc. to reach people in need all around the world and it has been a remarkable journey.  Our goal is to provide humanitarian aid, economic empowerment, and a vehicle to plant and build churches in some of the poorest regions in the world.


Because of our Global Impact Partners, we are preaching the uncompromised Word of God all around the world.  To date, we have over 130 churches spanning 8 countries and 5 continents, including the USA, Kenya, South Africa, the Philippines, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Guyana, Pakistan, and a mission in Russia.

what We've done

FROM OUR BEGINNINGin 2005, this has been a completely faith-based outreach. To date we have no major corporate sponsors or endowments, we depend completely on God placing the need upon the hearts of His servants to give to His work through the efforts of Higher Ground International Ministries, Inc.

  • Dug a well which provides clean drinking water for thousands in Nairobi, Kenya

  • Provided Food and school supplies to families in the USA

  • Currently building churches in Bangalore, India & the Phillippines

  • Provided Food and Water to typhoon survivors in the Phillippines

  • Delivered disaster relief for 3,000+ drought and famine afflicted people in Kenya

  • Gave care packages for orphans in Russia


Alone, no one can reach millions of hurting people around the world, but together we can work for Jesus Christ’s great cause through mission trips, humanitarian and mission outreaches.

Receive additional Partner Benefits and expand your support of this ministry through our two partnership levels:


Alone, no one can reach millions of hurting people around the world, but together we can work for Jesus Christ’s great cause through mission trips, humanitarian and mission outreaches.

Receive additional Partner Benefits and expand your support of this ministry through our two partnership levels:

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HGIM Headquarters

870 Pershall Rd. 

St. Louis, MO 63137


Tel: 314-653-9346


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© 2020 by Higher Ground International Ministries

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